
Логистика фармацевтической продукции

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Our solutions

Thermo packaging & loggers

Thermo packaging & loggers


We realize how high the price of the temperature violations during the delivery of heat-sensitive materials.

Pharm Express Logistics – one of the few companies on the Ukrainian market, which uses the technology of vacuum insulation panels (VIP), compared with the usual boxes of foam superior in its thermal insulation characteristics of more than 100 times.

For delivery in the cold chain mode, a special package from leading manufacturers (Va-Q-Tec, Credo, LaminarMedica), which allows to maintain the desired temperature conditions for a long time (up to 48 hours), and guarantees the safety of pharmaceutical products, including  immunobiological drugs, vaccines, serums, etc.

In order to ensure continuous monitoring of temperature conditions using special thermal sensors and data loggers  are installed in the cars and directly into each box which is delivered with the product.